Friday, 23 January 2015

And the second

Two more packages have arrived containing the next issue of Panic Attacks and a selection of Most Natural-themed greeting cards! Woop! Off to see Viv Albertine speak at St Martins this evening with a contingent of original punkettes, along with some of the new generation. Keep 18 February free, London folk, and watch this space - as I will soon be announcing an event.

Monday, 19 January 2015

First delivery

Look what just arrived at my door. I'm now rearing to go with my new collection of strips in French and in full COLOUR!
And here the Cassavetti siblings visiting the ancestors over Christmas...

Sunday, 18 January 2015

And again

I have just sent ANOTHER comic off to the printers. I am on FIRE! Part three of Panic Attacks, 36 pages of comicky awesomeness, will be ready in time for Angouleme. Well done me.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Going french

After so many trips to Angouleme I have finally got round to translating a selection of material for the french. ABOUT BLOODY TIME.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Je suis Charlie enragé

I did not go down to Trafalgar Square last night to join in the vigil. I was broken by despair at the atrocity perpetrated in Paris. But today I find there are people actually starting to find justifications for what happened. "Oooh they shouldn't have drawn those's a bit racist... they gave Mohamed a big nose WHAT THE FUCK?"
Now I am ANGRY. NOTHING justifies this outrage. Charlie Hebdo has been fighting bigotry since before I was a teenager. It targets injustice, stupidity, corruption and hypocrisy indiscriminately, regardless of colour, nationality, faith, political leaning or social status. These men (and one woman) were executed in cold blood by fanatics. THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION.
As someone for whom drawing is as necessary as breathing, who has healed herself by laying down her anxieties and neuroses on paper, and tried to be truthful on the page, I cannot envisage how this event can in any shape or form be acceptable or even understandable. WE MUST NOT BE INTIMIDATED.